This this this this this! I love how you write, Rima. No bullshit, straight up real talk👏🏼

I would add Victim Mentality to the list too, but I guess some of that would fall under complaining, although I do feel it goes deeper than that. It’s the not taking any responsibility and thinking that life is against you, putting you in a deep state of victimhood. Thinking it’s never you that’s the problem, it’s everyone and everything else.

So many people came to mind when I read this, but then I think we so have to be very cautious and conscious to not judge others for how they are. For what is in them, is also in us - just to different levels.

Thanks for another great read! 💛

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Thank you, Sabah! Completely agree with you regarding the victim mindset, but as you said it's a topic on its own. I did write a short piece about it - https://beyondreason.substack.com/p/victim-mindset

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